So...I'm having a dance party this Tues at Mercury with Lapwing (Welwing), Deux So, DJ Ross Jackson, Davey Shindig and DJ Jetboy to celebrate my cast coming off (shameless plug)...so I started the show off today with lots of nu-disco and tasty beats. Finished with some dream pop. Here you go!
Also, here is the archive if you missed it: http://soundtap.com/#!/show/1085/
Les Enfant Bastard- "Honolulu"
Penguin Prison- "Golden Train"
Body Language- "Falling Out"
Hercules and Love Affair- "My House" (Andy Butler remix)
Micronauts- "The Jag"
Phantogram- "Don't Move"
Class Actress- "Love Me Like You Used To"
Pictureplane- "Black Nails"
Abadabad- "Park Slope" (Y'alls remix)
Friendly Fires- "Blue Cassette" (Tiga remix)
CSS- "I Love You"
Good Natured- "Skeleton (Grum Remix)"
1:00 PM
Happy Mondays- "Halleujah" (Club mic)
Bastille- "What Would You Do?"
Autre Ne Veut- "Sweetheart"
Neon Indian- "Polish Girl"
Panda Bear- "Surfer's Hymn"
Lapwing (Welwing)- "Leaving"
Meth Dad- "Rookie Card"
Stoner Showers- "True Romance"
Gang Signs- "Un Amie"
Hot Chip feat Bonnie 'Prince' Billy- "I Feel Bonnie"
Ellie Goulding- "Lights" (Shook Remix)
Twin Sister- "Bad Street"
Superhuman Happiness + Cults- "Um Canto de Afoxe Para Bloce De Ile" (Juan Maclean remix)
Jens Lekman- "New Directions"
The Bees- "Winter Rose" (Nicholas Jaar remix)
Beta Band- "She's The One"
Jeremey Lee Given- "Rebel Ghost"
Shopping List- "Howdy"
Gnarwhal- "Ardor"
King Krule- "Noose of Jah City"
Still Corners- "Cuckoo"
Kings of Convience- "Failure"
Final Fantasy- "This is the Dream of Win and Regine"
DNTEL- "This is the Dream of Evan and Chan"
TV on the Radio- "Dreams"
Theme Parks- "Dream Girl"
PJ Harvey- "This Mess We're In"