Sunday, May 16, 2010


The summer's here... which means melodic rock feels oh so good...

12:00 HR
Les Enfant Bastard- "Honolulu"
Harlem-"Friendly Ghost"
Pavement- Unseen Power of the Picket Fence"
R.E.M.- "So Central Rain"
Tobacco- "Fresh Hex"
Crystal Castles- "Celestica"
Clones of the Queen- "Galaxies"
My Bloody Valentine- "Loomer"
Spiritualized- "Angel Sigh"
Love Is All- "Bigger, Bolder"
Marnie Stern- "Prime"
Dum Dum Girls- "Everybody's Out"
Space- "The Female of the Species"
Bird and the Bee-"I Can't Go For That"
Archie Bronson Outfit-"Chunk"

1:00 HR
Secret History- "Johnny Anorak"
Camera Obscura- "French Navy"
Delgados- "American Trilogy"
Arab Strap- "Last Romance"
Surfer Blood- "Floating Vibes"
Plants and Animals- "Undone Melody"
Besnard Lakes- "Albatross"
Magazine- "The Light Pours Out of Me"
Final Fantasy- "Lewis Takes Off His Shirt"
Pink Mountaintops- "Axis Thrones of Love"
Animal Collective- "Taste"
Phantograms- "Mouthful of Diamonds"

2:00 HR
Fang Island- "Daisy"
Boards of Canada- "Everything You Do is A Balloon"
TV on the Radio- "Dreams"
Busdriver- "Kill Your Employers" (clean)
Hawnay Troof- Front My Hope"
Super Furry Animals- "Ice Hockey Hair"
Duchess and the Duke- "I am Just a Ghost"
Herman Dune-"Try to Think About Me(Don't You Worry A Bit)"
Sunset Rubdown-"Paper Lace"
Strange Boys-"A Walk on the Bleach"
Tallest Man on Earth- "The Wild Hunt"
Suede-"Modern Boys"
Yo La Tengo- "Pablo and Andrea"
PJ Harvey- "This Mess We're In"

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